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Sunday 9 January 2011


Mine truly is a MADCAP KITCHEN.  It is filled with delicious smells (well usually), bubbling pans and plenty of laughter.  It is the place where everyone seems to congregate at parties, the room in which I create what I call 'kitchen alchemy', it is the living beating heart of my home. 

The aim of my blog is to share the recipes I've created, tweaked and recorded in a number of dog-eared (but highly treasured) notepads over many (many) years.  I know the internet already contains a wealth of foodie information, I frequently use it to help fulfil many of my own culinary quests, but there's always room for one more isn't there?  I thought it was about time I gave something back, so I've donned my pinny and hereby cut the ribbon on the MACAP KITCHEN PROJECT.

I won't only be cooking though, I'll also be reflecting on some of the brilliant (and sometimes hilarious) times we've had with our wonderful friends and family here over the years. Who knows, maybe some of them will even come and join us in the Madcap Kitchen?

I'm going to work my way through my notepads and share each of my recipe's with you.  Many of my them have already been tried and tested a number of times, but I'll be cooking each one again before I post them online.  My hubby (and guinea pig) Mr.T will do a taste test and mark each recipe out of ten.  (I've promised to lock away my rolling pin while he does this). 

If you do try any of my recipe's, or if you have any of your own you'd like to share, I'd love to hear your comments. 

Right, I'm off to bone, stuff and truss two chickens (it's only the second time I've done this, so I may be some time).  If all goes well, who knows, maybe that'll be my first recipe post.

Wish me luck (I'm gonna need it).

Ange x

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